
An Overview of Debts That Are Discharged in Bankruptcy

A bankruptcy discharge implies that the debtor is no longer legally stipulated to pay any debts that were booked in the court. The signaling of discharge issue - a permanent order, indicates that creditors are prohibited from going on any type of collection drive on discharged debts including legal action or contacting the debtor through phone calls or e-mails.

Generally the bankruptcy discharge takes place around four months after the debtor files the petition with the clerk of the bankruptcy court. However, this is subject to certain legal conditions such as litigation involving some objections to the discharge. Barring such incidents, the debtor automatically obtains a discharge.

When the petitioner has a personal liability for a debt, a creditor with judgment can use legal processes like levy and garnishment to reach the petitioner's non-exempt assets and earnings even though these assets were not pledged as collateral and the debts were unsecured. The bankruptcy discharge eliminates the debtor's personal liability for a discharged debt. The discharge encompasses not only debts that were liquidated with the filing of the case but any liability that arises from events before filing as long as the affected creditors received the bankruptcy notice.

In chapter 7 bankruptcy case, the following types of debts are dischargeable:

Business debtsLeasesJudgment against the petitioner including car accident claimDeficiencies existing after repossession of vehiclesPersonal loansCredit card account balancesNegligence claimsLiabilities under guaranteed agreement

It is vitally important for the petitioner to be aware of the types of debts that are non-dischargeable in bankruptcy.

The most common types of non-dischargeable debts are:

Certain types of tax claimsDebts which were not exposed by the debtor in the documents and schedules that he / she had filed at the courtDebts for spousal or child support in alimonyDebts to governmental units for fines and penaltiesDebts for most government- funded guaranteed educational loansBenefit over paymentsDebts for personal injury caused by debtor's operation of motor vehicle in an intoxicated stateDebts owed to certain tax advantaged retirement plansDebts for certain cooperative housing fees

Adversary proceedings and contested matters are methods of handling disputes that arises in bankruptcy cases. An adversary proceeding is basically a civil trial within the context of a bankruptcy case. Contested matters are more informal. They are initiated by a motion and usually do not require a filing fee. The Bankruptcy Rules establish the type of disputes that fall into each category. For example, adversary proceedings include objections to discharge of debts while contested matters include objections to sales of the debtor's properties. The procedures used in the court include mediation, arbitration, early neutral evaluation, summary jury trial and settlement week.

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Budgeting Before and After Filing Bankruptcy

When it comes down to it no one really wants to live on a budget. The first thing a bankruptcy attorney will tell someone that comes into their office and is on the cusp of filing bankruptcy but trying to avoid it, try living on a budget for a year and see if you can avoid bankruptcy altogether. Over the last 20 years Americans have learned to live way beyond their means using credit as a way of firing up the printing press when they get short on cash. Before filing bankruptcy, everyone should take a hard look at their spending habits and eliminate everything that is not completely necessary. We as Americans have blurred the line between wants and necessities. So many people think they need a luxury automobile as it's part of their image, when in reality all they need is transportation. So many times people put themselves in financial despair over items they believe they need and really don't. It doesn't mean you have to be a spendthrift to avoid a bankruptcy filing, but if you can't put away any extra money out of your paycheck because everything is going to what you "need" there is something wrong.

The three main causes that forces an individual into filing bankruptcy are, the loss of a job, an illness that runs up a large amount of medical bills, and a family breakup that causes divorce. Many of these things will not lead to bankruptcy filing if a person was not living beyond their means. However, if disaster strikes and an individual has no cushion, things get out of control quickly ending up in bankruptcy.

I know trying to live on a budget is about as much fun as having a colonoscopy. And for most of us it is the last thing you want to do. Living on a budget has many benefits with the goal being to increase your net worth to a place where life's small disasters won't destroy the family finances. When you budget you need to take in consideration all the necessities first including a mortgage or rent, transportation costs, utilities, medical costs and putting something away for the future like a 401(k). The first thing a person needs to get rid of is all their unsecured debt like credit cards. Credit card debt can destroy a person's budgeting because it's too easy to overspend. When using credit cards a person should try to pay it off at the end of the month and not carry the balance over.

Living on a cost-effective budget is not rocket science and it's pretty easy to turn around. Some people will need to file for bankruptcy because there's no way they will ever be able to pay the debt that they have accumulated. The basic idea behind budgeting is a person needs to spend less than they are making. By spending less than you're taking in should be able to avoid filing bankruptcy and start building a nest egg. For those that are too far upside down, they should consider speaking with a bankruptcy attorney about filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

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Best Way to Handle Bankruptcy Case in Court

The bankruptcy court exercises control over property and debts by appointing the official called "Trustee" to manage the petitioner's case and proceedings. The trustee (or staff) examines the papers to ensure that they are fully documented and look for property to sell for the benefit of creditors. Their primary duty cover responsibilities from scrutinizing the legal papers to ensuring that the creditors are paid off as much as possible. They also check all the financial transactions carried out by the petitioner during the previous year.

Shortly after filing the bankruptcy papers, the petitioner receives a notice of the date of the creditors' meeting. The trustee convenes the meeting and, after the petitioner is sworn in, may ask him / her questions pertaining to bankruptcy and about the documents filed. He may also enquire whether any asset had been sold in the previous year or if the documentation furnished is 100% authentic.

As the question of domicile residence requirements are in force at the court of law, it is mandatory to be aware of the length of stay of the petitioner in the state from where he / she is filing. With the filing of bankruptcy petition, an "Order for Relief" under the bankruptcy law would be initiated. This order of relief includes an "Automatic Stay" that prevents creditors from harassing the petitioner further with collection drives.

This also includes most law suits or legal proceedings pending or currently active against the debtor and debtor's properties. Filing the petition is the initiator of the processes that may lead the debtor experiencing genuine financial difficulties to find the means to eliminate substantial portion of their financial obligations.

Any filer seeking relief from bankruptcy court must be fully cooperative in handling all matters related to the bankruptcy, including dealing with the trustees. After the hearing between the petitioner and the trustee, the bankruptcy relief may not be meted out immediately after the creditors' meeting. The petitioner should be patient and be aware that the case would proceed through the bankruptcy court process in an orderly manner. Only when there are no objections or problems with the bankruptcy proceedings, then the court may move forward to grant bankruptcy.

The whole process is a fact-finding procedure. But in the event of any alarming facts emerging at the meeting, then either trustee or creditor(s) can file a motion or an adversary proceeding in the bankruptcy court for judge's consideration.

In addition, after filing a bankruptcy case the individual debtor must complete a financial management instruction course before he / she is entitled to receive a discharge. Throughout the years, the debt relief team has seen many challenging and unique problems arise during the course of bankruptcy but these have been in most cases successfully addressed as the objective of the bankruptcy law is to help debtors start afresh.

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A Creditor Sent You A 1099 C? Don't Worry, Filing Bankruptcy Can Fix That

With a large number of Americans filing bankruptcy every year, creditors and debt collectors alike have gotten more aggressive with their collection tactics. I guess they believe that they have to be quick in today's economy or they will get nothing at all. Creditors are now quick to sue so they can get a judgment, followed up by a wage garnishment when people start getting behind on their debts. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the debt ratios of most Americans are unsustainable. People just don't make enough money for the lifestyles they are trying to keep.

Recently, I was walking through the mall and noticed some women that appeared to be house cleaners carrying designer purses. My grandpa would roll over in his grave to see the foolishness of people spending in living beyond their means. My grandfather did well for himself and at the time of passing had 20 pieces of property, a successful business and an old beat up car. Sure, all the assets are nice, but he thought it was a waste of money to try to drive a new car just to impress a bunch of people that you really don't care about. Americans have let your egos rule their pocketbooks. The media has pushed for the idea that image is everything, no matter what the cost. What happened to the wisdom of our elders?

Creditors are not stupid and are in business to make money. They know if they can keep someone in bondage just one more month, it will be just that much more profit for them. The credit industry also has to follow the rules and regulations of the dreaded IRS and if they want to write something off on their taxes as a loss, they will have to send it out to somebody as income. That's why many creditors will send out a 1099C for individuals that have settled debts, had their car repossessed, gone through a foreclosure and anything else where there was a deficiency on the entire balance.

Off-topic, this is another reason why filing bankruptcy is a better solution for most people rather than using a debt settlement company. A debt settlement company will negotiate with the creditors to reduce the balances of typically about 50% of the balance owed. Most creditors usually take the deal knowing that something is better than nothing and digging their heels in will only lead to filing bankruptcy of the individual in trouble. For the creditor to write it off as a loss, they will need to send a 1099C to the individual as taxable income. This becomes a problem if someone went through foreclosure and gets taxed for $100,000.

To avoid being charged with this phantom income, an individual can file for bankruptcy and wipe out any past liability of these debts. If the individual is insolvent or bankrupt, the debt will no longer be treated as taxable income. This is once again something that needs to be discussed with a bankruptcy attorney because every situation is different. The last thing a person that is in financial trouble needs, is to have IRS trouble. It makes sense to spend the money on a bankruptcy attorney and file Chapter 7 versus signing up for some sort of debt settlement or debt consolidation program. Because those programs are unregulated, they leave the individual open to all sorts of liability. Nothing beats a bankruptcy discharge to put a definite end to debt problems.

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If You Need to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Don't Get Forced Into Chapter 13

There is a common thread that runs throughout the American culture today and that's the economy sucks. This recession has affected everyone. There has been no one that has been immune from losing something. The only jobs that have until now been stable are that of the public sector. Everyone thought that if they were a policeman or a fireman, their job would always be safe because they are needed. Until recently this was true, now cities are having trouble making payroll nationwide. As cities continue to cut their budgets, departments are having to lay off employees including police and firemen. This is putting our local heroes even in danger of filing bankruptcy and losing their homes to foreclosure.

Back in 2005, Congress changed the bankruptcy code because credit lobbyists pushed for stricter regulations on filing bankruptcy. They believed that too many Americans were abusing the legal system. What came out of this was the BAPCPA of 2005. Included in the changes was a means test to qualify people to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Prior to this, when people thought of filing bankruptcy they thought of Chapter 7. Now, many people are being forced into filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy instead of the Chapter 7 that was originally planned. Since the changes to the bankruptcy code many bankruptcy attorneys have argued the negative ramifications it has had on Americans in financial trouble. Forcing someone into a Chapter 13 payment plan many times only sets them up to fail, totally opposite of the fresh start that bankruptcy promises. Don't get me wrong, Chapter 13 has its benefits for some individuals depending on their situation. For most people, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the best Chapter to file.

Just ask any bankruptcy attorney and they will tell you the trouble with some people qualifying to file Chapter 7. There is a large group of people that should be filing Chapter 7 and is forced into Chapter 13 bankruptcy because they do not qualify. The majority of these ride on top of the fence and could go either way. Their income is just too high for the area in which they reside and their expenses are too low. The problem is, the majority of their debt is from credit cards which are not allowed to be included in the expense report.

Let's take a step back and discuss how the means test works. Basically, the means test takes a look at the last six months of the individual's household income. How it works is, a person will add up their pay for the last six months, then divided by six and multiply by 12. This will give them their average annual income to be compared with the median income chart for their state. This in itself does not qualify someone to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. They will need to complete an income and expense report that includes all of their household expenses like rent, transportation, medical, and all other living expenses. Anything that will be included in the bankruptcy discharge like credit cards cannot be included in this expense report because it will be wiped out in the bankruptcy filing. Some people can qualify if the numbers are moved around a little bit by a bankruptcy attorney. A Bankruptcy attorney will know what will be excepted by the bankruptcy court for acceptable expenses. Some people don't qualify even if they make under the median income because their expenses are not high enough and the court believes they're capable of paying back at least a portion of their debt. The bankruptcy court wants to make sure the person filing bankruptcy has less than $150 disposable income each month left after paying all their living expenses. If they have more disposable income left over they could be forced into Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

As the economy has continued to decline, so have the median incomes of every state, making it harder to qualify to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This is another good reason why someone should use the expertise of a bankruptcy attorney to file bankruptcy. Never say never if you think you make too much money to file Chapter 7, it still might be possible.

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Dumb Things You Don't Want to Do When Filing for Bankruptcy

When it comes to filing for bankruptcy there many positive benefits, on the other hand the media still likes to draw their attention to the negatives. When considering the positives versus the negatives in a bankruptcy filing, the positives always win. The reason is the negatives will be there for the individual filing bankruptcy regardless if they file or not. For someone who cannot pay their bills, their credit is going to be in the tank and Chapter 7 bankruptcy won't make it any worse but could actually help by lowering the individual's debt ratios after the bankruptcy discharge. In fact, many people will leave Chapter 7 bankruptcy being debt-free from any unsecured debt. This is a powerful statement knowing that credit card debt has become one of the biggest problems for middle America.

Since you know that filing bankruptcy is not a bad thing, it's important to understand what not to do and to make sure to listen to your bankruptcy attorney. The bankruptcy attorney is not creating a bunch of extra paper work for an individual to complete for fun. All of this is necessary to be able to file a bankruptcy petition successfully.

The first thing to remember is successful bankruptcy planning is of utmost importance. Because of this the bankruptcy attorney will typically advise their clients prior to filing bankruptcy to not borrow from their retirement plan. It's foolish to pay down credit card debt with something that is protected by a bankruptcy exemption. Creditors cannot touch a 401(k),IRA or any pension, it's off-limits.

Next, don't take money out of your account to pay back family members first prior to filing bankruptcy. It's understandable to try to pay off friends and family members prior to the filing, but the bankruptcy trustee might see it as preferential treatment. They could even ask for the money to be returned to the bankruptcy estate and dispersed amongst creditors.

Another no-no that a bankruptcy attorney will tell their clients to avoid is transferring assets when the financial trouble begins. If a person has any idea they will be filing for bankruptcy, it's best not to sell or transfer any property as it will look to the bankruptcy trustee as a planned protection of assets. The best that could happen out of this is the assets will be taken back and given to the creditors. The bankruptcy trustee could also charge the individual filing with fraud in an attempt to keep the property away from the creditors.

It's common but not good practice for an individual filing for bankruptcy to exhaust their savings to pay unsecured creditors after losing a job or having a drop in income. If Chapter 7 bankruptcy looks like it might be on the horizon, it's stupid to burn through any liquidity that one might have. If you're going to pay somebody, pay a secured creditor like a mortgage company or auto loan. These will not be included in the Chapter 7 unless the individual wants to surrender the property prior to the bankruptcy discharge.

These are all things that should be discussed with a bankruptcy attorney prior to filing. Sometimes if mistakes are made, the bankruptcy attorney might delay the filing to let some of these errors fall to the wayside.

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How Can Filing for Bankruptcy Relief Help Me Secure Money for Retirement?

Let me show you how bankruptcy relief can help you secure your retirement, even if you have never invested a dime in your life. If you are struggling financially, why put a higher priority on the repayment of your debts than investment in your retirement? I don't know, but a lot of people make this mistake. Don't make the same mistake. It will cost you your retirement and you'll have nothing to show for it. Here's what I mean:

If you make minimum payments on credit card debt and have nothing saved for retirement, you may be a good candidate for bankruptcy. If you want to be self-sufficient and live a reasonably comfortable life in retirement, it will take significant savings over time to make that happen. Attention to retirement is extremely difficult if you are burdened by medical bills and credit card debt at high credit card interest rates.

Example: Assume that the credit card debt is $20,000, the interest rate is 18%, and the minimum payment is 2.5%. Which scenario makes more sense to you?

1) If you make the minimum payment and add nothing to the balance in the way of new purchases or penalty fees, it will take 37.5 years to pay the balance down to zero. Interest over the life of the repayment period would be nearly $30,000. What you have at the end of 37 years is nothing more than a paid off debt.

2) If, instead, you made the same payments required to pay off that credit card (approximately $50,000) into retirement savings at 6% for 37 years, you would have $315,874 in cash to fund your retirement. Which would you rather have after 37 years of making the same monthly payments: Nothing or $315,874? The older one becomes, the easier it is to give up on saving for retirement. It's normal to think the task of saving for retirement is too large, and the time remaining too small. However, every dollar saved is an investment for your cost of living in the future, and more money that you can leave your family.

Though the attempt to pay creditors all of the debt owed could be considered honorable by some people, the question is whether that is the best choice for you. Many would argue it is far more honorable to take care of one's self and family to secure future well-being and financial stability. Credit card companies don't have to retire, people do.

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Asbestos: What Is It and How Does It Affect You?

According to the EPA asbestos is "The name given to a number of naturally occurring fibrous minerals with high tensile strength, the ability to be woven, and resistance to heat and most chemicals. Because of these properties, asbestos fibers have been used in a wide range of manufactured goods, including roofing shingles, ceiling and floor tiles, paper and cement products, textiles, coatings, and friction products such as automobile clutch, brake and transmission parts."

Asbestos related lung disease occurs through airborne exposure. The greater your exposure is to asbestos containing materials the greater your chances are of becoming afflicted with an asbestos related illness. Other documented health risks, such as smoking, also increases these chances.

There are times when your chances of exposure are at their greatest. When a building is being demolished or remodeled, such as a business or home, asbestos fiber particles can be disturbed and allowed to circulate freely through the air and be deposited on any surface within the area. This is only a possibility if asbestos containing materials were used in the construction of your home or business. If asbestos containing materials were used and demolition or remodeling disturbs the particles they can be inhaled by the people and animals in the area. Once the particles are inhaled they can become embedded in the lung tissue and over time cause many health issues such as asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Asbestosis is a very serious and progressive non-cancer illness that can have long-term consequences. Inhaled asbestos fibers can irritate the lining of the lungs and cause permanent scarring which makes it extremely difficult for the lungs to function properly in the exchange of carbon dioxide with oxygen. Sadly, there is no treatment for persons suffering from asbestosis.

Lung cancer is another disease that can be causes by exposure to asbestos particles and is responsible for the largest number of deaths due to asbestos particle exposure. Those most at risk for lung cancer are people who were employed in the mining, processing, and manufacturing of asbestos containing products. People who experienced this type of exposure or used asbestos containing products in the course of their employment are more at risk to develop lung cancer when compared to the population in general.

Mesothelioma is an asbestos related rare type of cancer that can affect the abdomen, chest, heart, and lungs. It can take many years to develop and progress to point where it can be diagnosed. Currently there is no cure for Mesothelioma and people who are affected by it can face many years of medical appointments, treatments, and related therapies.

It is in your best interest to get your home or business inspected for asbestos before beginning a demolition or remodeling project. It is better to prevent exposure than to have to deal with the aftermath of it. If you believe you have been exposed to asbestos, asbestos containing products, or an area that may have contained asbestos where demolition or remodeling was being performed you should contact a doctor or medical professional who deals specifically with asbestos exposure and related illnesses. You should also contact an experienced attorney skilled in cases involving asbestos related illness who can best represent you. Any illness caused by asbestos is serious and requires immediate attention. Finding an attorney with the required expertise and compassion to represent your concerns and needs is the best way to help you get the compensation you deserve.

The Minnesota personal injury lawyers and attorneys of Sieben Polk in Minneapolis MN have successfully represented over 50,000 personal injury cases such as asbestos related illnesses including mesothelioma and asbestosis.

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Lung Cancer Remission - What Does It Mean?

When mentioning the word remission, many people tend to have a misconception to exactly what it means. It is usually used by doctors after a cancer patient has successfully carried out a course of treatment. Although, many people seem to think that once the word has been mentioned, the cancer patient is no longer at risk from a recurrence of the disease, due to having been considered completely cured.

However, this is a misinterpretation of the word and something that can easily cause future problems for a patient who thinks that he or she is no longer at risk from the disease. Cancer patients can quickly revert to the unhealthy life-style that may have existed before cancer was diagnosed, and easily forget about continuing to look after the body in the way that it should be looked after even though it is still vital to prevent a recurrence of the disease.

What remission actually means: is a period of time where cancer is either responding to treatment satisfactorily, or is being controlled by the treatment that is being administered to a patient. With a complete cancer remission, all signs and symptoms of the disease have usually disappeared, and it may be considered that after several years or so with no signs or symptoms recurring, the disease has finally been cured.

This would also be another misconception of what may still be going on within the body. Although there may be no signs or symptoms of cancer being present, it does not actually mean that the disease does not exist still, as cancer cells may continue to grow within the body for many years. This may be both during treatment or afterwards, and before any visible signs or symptoms of the cancer reappear.

The word remission does not get publicized much, as it is considered to be a delicate subject when talking about the prognosis (life expectancy) of a cancer patient, and more so when talking about lung cancer where around 50% of all patients diagnosed with the disease will die within the first five years after diagnosis. Depending of the type of cancer a patient is diagnosed with, will also greatly affect the patients cancer "remission period" after a successful course of treatment.

There are various modern-day treatments used to fight cancer, such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, stereotactic body radiosurgery, and surgery. But there are equally as many alternative medicines that can also be used to treat a variety of different types of cancers. Alternative medicines for the treatment of cancer are considered to be a good option by many sufferers, as they do not harm the body like many of the traditional treatments do, and can even be used after a successful course of treatment has finished to prevent a recurrence of the disease.

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What Is The Difference Between Lung Cancer and Lymphoma?

There are two different types of cancer that may affect the lungs:

1. Primary lung cancer is categorized as either small cell, or non-small cell, and usually begins in the lungs before it spreads to other parts of the body. Small cell is commonly associated with heavy smokers, where non-small cell may include other types of cancers such as squamous cell, large cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma.

Symptoms may include a persistent cough, coughing up small amounts of blood, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pains, a dull aching pain in the shoulder that may move down the outside of the arm, a notable weight loss, and recurrent chest infections or pneumonia.

Diagnosis of lung cancer is not usually found until after a doctor has ordered a chest X-ray which is usually associated with another illness. If lung cancer is detected by the chest X-ray, a CT (computer assisted tomography) scan, or a MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan may also be ordered to further confirm both the diseases diagnosis and staging.

Staging includes a limited Stage, where only one lung is affected together with the surrounding tissues, and an extensive Stage, where the cancer has spread to either the chest tissues outside the lung of origin or to another part of the body. Staging begins with Stage 0, where cancer cells are found to be in the lining of the lung; Stage 1A, where the tumor growth is no more than 3mm across in diameter and continues through Stages 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, until Stage 4 is reached. This is where the lungs or other parts of the body have multiple malignant growths.

2. Metastatic lung cancer, is categorized as either Hodgkin's or non-Hodgkin's, and begins in another part of the body before it spreads to the lungs. Metastatic lung cancer is a cancer of the lymphatic system.

Symptoms may include fever, fatigue, itching, swollen lymph nodes, and sweating during the night while sleeping. The lymph nodes can be found in clusters in the pelvis, neck, under the arms, and in the abdomen. When non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is present, it is common for its reason to be unknown.

Diagnosis includes blood tests, and a biopsy of the lymph node tissue for examination under the microscope.

Staging is based on the extent the tumor has spread.

Stage 1. Where only one lymph node or area is affected.

Stage 2. Where two or more lymph nodes are affected on one side of the diaphragm, or a single lymph node where the tumor has affected a nearby organ.

Stage 3. Where lymphoma is found in the areas above and below the diaphragm, and is considered to be advanced.

Stage 4. Where the lymphoma has metastasized to other parts of the body such as the liver, brain, or bone marrow. At this stage the disease is considered widespread.

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How To Prevent Lung Cancer Recurrence

Researchers are studying effective ways to prevent the recurrence of lung cancer in patients. After a patient has been successfully treated, there are numerous ways to help lower the risks.

1. It is recommended by doctors that patients have a full physical examination every three months for the first two years, followed by a six monthly examination thereafter. Examinations may include: chest X-rays, CT (computer assisted tomography) scans, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans, or blood tests. Depending on the type of lung cancer that a patient was diagnosed with.

2. When a patient has successfully finished a course of treatment, it is encouraged by most doctors that a 30 minute exercise regime be carried out by the cancer patient at least five times a week. These exercises should include general fitness exercises such as walking, cycling, swimming, and jogging (depending on the age and condition of the patient in question). Not only does exercising make someone feel stronger, but it also helps the patient build up a stronger immune system.

3. Eating a healthy diet also helps reduce the risks. Studies show that by eating a large variety of fruits and vegetables (variety is more important than quantity) may also contribute to reducing both the risks of developing lung cancer, and its recurrence. By eating a low-fat, high whole grain diet will help keep a sufficient amount of nutrients within the body. These nutrients help to keep the body strong. They also have a great amount of anti-recurrence benefits.

4. Smoking which is one of the main causes of lung cancer, should be given a complete miss after treatment has finished, together with most alcoholic beverages. Both contain a number of carcinogens that not only raise the chances of being diagnosed with the disease, but also significantly raise the risks of the disease returning. Apart from the lungs that are at risk from tobacco and alcohol, other organs such as the esophagus, liver, and stomach, are also at risk.

5. Depending on the type of lung cancer a patient was diagnosed with, may also depend on the after treatment options that are available. These options may include traditional medicines that reduce the risks of a recurrence, or alternative medicines that have also shown a great deal of success. Alternative medicines are also considered as a good after treatment option, due to them being less harmful to the body's organs than traditional anti-recurrence drugs.

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PET/CT Scan Challenge Of Pleural Effusion Treatment For Mesothelioma Patients

Early detection of the fatal and incurable mesothelioma and the subsequent provision of radiation, surgical and palliative asbestosis treatments are known to help a patient to have the best possible chance to extend and improve the quality of life remaining.

Crucial to the process is the use of body scanning technologies, ranging from X-rays, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), CT (computed tomography) or CAT scans, and the more advanced PET/CT (positron emission tomography and computerized tomography).

The long gestation period of up to 50 years from first asbestos exposure and inhaling of the fibre dust to the appearance of asbestosis symptoms can often mean that a diffuse malignant mesothelioma has reached an advanced stage and spread to other organ tissues.

While X-rays of chest or abdomen can detect fluid build-up, masses, or signs of non-cancerous pleural disease, evidence of diffuse cancerous growths by radiology will only show as a shadow formed by a single tumour, as with peritoneal mesothelioma. Similarly, despite MRI supplying a highly detailed image of the interior body and can determine the severity of a tumour, this type of scan is still unable to clearly indicate a cancerous growth.

CT scans produce images, which provide a cross section examination of layers of the body to more easily reveal abnormalities at a given depth within the body and can also accurately diagnose lung cancer sooner than chest x-rays, leading to an increased survival rate by up to 20 per cent. However, while CT scans are able to define pleural effusion, pleural thickening, pleural calcification or possible chest wall invasion, they cannot differentiate between benign or malignant mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma patients who suffer painful breathing caused by pleural effusions - the build-up of fluid across the lung linings in response to the spread of mesothelioma tumours - can undergo a procedure for the draining of the fluid and replacing the space with medical talc.

New medical research has found that the fluid draining process may interfere with the PET/CT monitoring, which also involves injecting the patient with a radioactive tracer and the level of absorption by cancer cells subsequently measured by the scan, once after 14 days and then again after 125 days.

It was discovered that by increasing the amount of tracer absorbed by cancer cells, the talc treatment can appear to show the disease is spreading more rapidly than its real progress.

The researchers concluded that to compensate for the interference with the evaluation, a slightly modified way of interpreting the scan results is advised for mesothelioma patients who receive pleural draining and talc treatments.

Asbestosis Victim Advice

Offering clear information, advice and FAQ's on mesothelioma and asbestos related illnesses.

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Recognizing the Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer that affects people who have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was once mined and utilized in great quantities across the United States and worldwide. Commercial and industrial asbestos use peaked in the U.S. in the middle of the 20th century, but it had already become apparent that the mineral was causing serious health problems. The U.S. government began regulating asbestos in the 1970s based on its link to mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, respiratory disorders and other serious health problems. Unfortunately, the widespread regulation of asbestos came too late for many people who had already been exposed.

Asbestos fibers are easily inhaled and ingested. Once they are introduced into the body, they may become embedded in the mesothelium, the lining of the organs and body cavities. They may become lodged in the pleura (lining of the lungs), peritoneum (lining of the abdomen) or pericardium (lining of the heart). The body cannot easily expel asbestos fibers that have become embedded in these areas, and they may remain there for many years, causing irritation, inflammation and the eventual development of cancerous cells. This form of cancer is called mesothelioma.

As with any form of cancer and most medical conditions, an early diagnosis is crucial if a patient is to have the best chance at survival. Unfortunately the symptoms can be difficult to recognize because of their similarity to symptoms of common medical conditions and mesothelioma's long latency period. Chronic cough, chest pain, abdominal pain and other similar ailments may be shrugged off as symptoms of minor illnesses. They may be quite mild at first. A patient may not even consider mesothelioma as a potential issue because so much time has elapsed since asbestos exposure occurred. According to one study, it took patients as long as 39 months from the initial presentation of symptoms to receive appropriate treatment.

The majority of mesothelioma patients are diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma, which affects the lining of the lungs and chest cavity. The most common symptoms of this condition include shortness of breath, chest pain, chronic cough, limited or reduced chest expansion, fatigue and weight loss. A patient may also experience chest pain or painful breathing, fever or night sweats and may cough up blood.

Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma, which affects the lining of the abdominal organs and cavity, include abdominal pain and swelling, changes in bowel habits or function, weight loss, fatigue, lumps under the skin of the abdomen, anemia, nausea, night sweats and fever.

Pericardial mesothelioma is extremely rare. This form of cancer affects the lining of the heart. Some reported symptoms include irregular heartbeat, chest pain, chronic cough, difficulty breathing, heart murmur, fatigue, night sweats and fever. Additional symptoms may be reported as more patients are diagnosed and data is collected.

It may take approximately 20 to 50 years from exposure to asbestos minerals for a patient to experience symptoms of mesothelioma and seek medical treatment. These symptoms may vary somewhat depending on the type of mesothelioma as well as the patient's age, overall health and preexisting medical conditions, if any. If you notice these symptoms and have a history of asbestos exposure, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible - even if you feel that you are not seriously ill. A chronic cough or shortness of breath may be signs that cancerous cells have developed in your lung tissue or the lining of your chest or lungs. Tell your doctor what symptoms you are experiencing and inform him or her of your history with asbestos. Even if you did not work directly with or around the mineral, you may have experienced secondary exposure from a family member. Full disclosure will help your doctor determine what tests need to be run and whether to refer you to a specialist to confirm the diagnosis.

More than 2,000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma each year; this number is expected to peak in 2020. According to estimates by the National Institute of Health, approximately 11 million people were exposed to asbestos from 1940 to 1978. People exposed in the 60s, 70s and possibly even the 50s may only now be experiencing the symptoms of mesothelioma. Reports and diagnoses may still be made for years into the future. Though asbestos was regulated in the 1970s, people were still exposed in buildings, vessels, shipyards and other places where asbestos was present. Older buildings and products may still contain asbestos, meaning people today may still be at risk of exposure.

Representing clients across the U.S. who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related illnesses, Napoli Bern Ripka Shkolnik, LLP is committed to seeking justice and maximum financial compensation regardless of the size and resources of the opponent. The firm is headquartered in the Empire State Building in New York City and has multiple office locations across the country. The attorneys have more than 150 years of collective experience and have recovered more than $3 billion in verdicts and settlements since 2000 alone. Contact NBRS for a free, confidential consultation at http://www.mesolawyers.net.

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Signs That Lung Cancer May Be Returning

Over 200,000 thousand Americans (men and women) get diagnosed with lung cancer in the USA every year (70% are elderly). Although most patients receive some kind of treatment before going into remission (a period of time when the cancer is either responding to treatment satisfactorily, or is being controlled), lung cancer is one of the most recurrent forms of cancer that is diagnosed. Many sufferers of lung cancer get cured and go on to live more years, but an increasing number of sufferers become prone to falling into a state of relapse (where the disease returns).

When doctors refer to a five-year or ten-year cure period, what they are actually referring to is the remission period of a patient. During remission the disease may return at any time, although the percentage rate gradually begins to decrease the longer the remission period. If during the first five-years of treatment the disease does not return, then there is a strong possibility that the patient will go on to live at least another five years or more. The problem is that when lung cancer is diagnosed, it is usually in its later stage, and more difficult to treat.

Patients under remission should continually watch for signs that may indicate the cancer is recurring, or has actually returned. There are three main signs a sufferer should watch out for:

1. Changes in breathing patterns, which could include either a shortness of breath, or wheezing when there are no underlying medical reasons why either should exist. They may even occur when a patient is resting. Usually when the cancer has returned, the tumor presses either directly on the lung, or on the surrounding tissues of the lung. A chest X-ray, a CT (computer assisted tomography) scan, or a MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan may be ordered again by the doctor to re-confirm this.

2. Lumps that can appear anywhere on the body (especially in the chest or upper area of the body) may signify a recurrence of the disease. Lumps may indicate that a new tumor is beginning to grow, or an existing one is either growing again, or beginning to spread. When lumps occur in the area of the neck, armpits, or groin, this usually indicates that the cancer has spread to the lymphatic system. The cancer has metastasized when it has affected distant organs outside the original tumor area, usually having spread into the bloodstream to create new tumors or new clusters of cancerous cells.

3. Unexplained and sudden weight loss when there is no reason for it usually indicates that the cancer has invaded other parts of the body. The cancer can attack vital organs affecting their ability to function correctly, causing weight to disappear notably during a short period of time. When this happens, it is advisable to seek the help of a doctor again to check that a recurrence of the disease has not taken place. Usually a test of the phlegm cells under a microscope will detect a recurrence before a tumor becomes visible.

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Weaver Shuts Down Birds in Angels' 3-0 Win

Weaver (10-1) won his fourth straight outing since coming off the disabled list, striking out five and walking one while lowering his ERA to 1.96.

Weaver joined Sandy Koufax (1963-64) as the only pitchers since 1950 with consecutive seasons of double-digit wins and an ERA under 2.00 before the All-Star break. During his seven-year career, the Angels' ace is 59-26 with a 2.84 ERA in 110 starts before the All-Star break. Last season he was 11-4 with a 1.86 ERA in 19 starts before the break.

Scott Downs pitched a perfect ninth for his eighth save in eight attempts.

Jason Hammel (8-5) gave up three runs, six hits and four walks over 6 2-3 innings and struck out four. He also hooked up against Weaver on June 26 at Baltimore, and was charged with eight runs in 3 1-3 innings that night in a 13-1 loss after bringing a 19-inning scoreless streak into the game.

Mark Trumbo led off the Angels' fourth with a single and legged it to second after left fielder Xavier Avery misplayed the ball for the Orioles' major league-worst 75th error. Trumbo got to third after tagging up on Alberto Callaspo's flyout to the warning track in center, and Kendrick singled sharply to the right of second base with the infield playing in.

Angels Gold Glove center fielder Torii Hunter helped choke off an Orioles threat in the seventh when he played the carom perfectly off the 18-foot wall on a single by slugger Jim Thome and threw out the 41-year-old designated hitter at second base with the Angels still leading 1-0.

The Halos tacked on two more runs in the bottom half with a two-out RBI double by Hunter and an RBI single by Kendrys Morales. But it was the speed of rookie Mike Trout that kept the inning alive for Hunter, as the 20-year-old rookie beat the relay to first base on a potential inning-ending double-play grounder to second baseman Robert Andino.

NOTES: Orioles 1B Joe Mahoney was 0 for 3 in his major league debut, two days after his contract was purchased from Norfolk. He was a sixth-round draft pick in 2007 out of the University of Richmond. ... Weaver has not issued an intentional walk since Sept. 4, 2009 at Kansas City, when he put Mark Teahen on base with a runner at third and struck out John Buck to end the inning. Since then, Weaver has made 87 starts, pitched 590 2-3 innings and faced 2,340 batters without an intentional pass. ... Baltimore recalled OF/INF Steve Tolleson from Triple-A Norfolk to fill the roster spot left vacated when RHP Jake Arrieta was optioned to the Orioles' top farm club on Saturday. Arrieta gave up six runs over 3 2-3 innings in Thursday's series opener without getting a decision in the team's 9-7 loss, and is 1-7 with a 7.71 ERA in 12 starts since his previous win on May 2. ... Weaver will be the fourth pitcher in Angels history to represent them in three consecutive All-Star games. The others were LHP Mark Langston (1991-93), LHP Frank Tanana (1976-78) and RHP Ken McBride (1961-1963). ... Orioles RF Chris Davis returned to the lineup after missing two games with a strained trapezius muscle.

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In N.H.L. Free Agency, Wild Sign Parise and Suter

Parise, the 27-year-old captain who led the Devils to the Stanley Cup finals this past season, said in a conference call, “I loved playing in New Jersey.”

He added that it was “very, very hard to leave” and “at the end it was between New Jersey and Minnesota. That’s what it came down to: just the idea of being able to come home and be around family.”

Ryan Suter, who established himself as one of the best defensemen in hockey with the Nashville Predators, also signed a 13-year, $98 million contract with the Wild.

Parise said General Manager Lou Lamoriello was “very supportive” of his decision.

“We were upfront and honest with each other through this whole process,” Parise said. “He said, ‘If that’s what you really want, I’m happy for you, I wish you the best.’ He couldn’t have been nicer about it.”

Lamoriello said that Parise told him “if he wasn’t going home to Minnesota he would be coming to New Jersey. It was one of the toughest decisions he said he had to make. I respect that.”

Minnesota General Manager Chuck Fletcher said it was “a great day in the history of the Minnesota Wild.” The team has a rabid fan base, but has missed the last four postseasons and has not won a playoff round since 2003.

Parise grew up in Minneapolis, the son of J. P. Parise, the former Islander and Minnesota North Star. Suter, the son of the 1980 Olympian Bob Suter, grew up in Madison, Wis., and his wife, Becky, is from Bloomington, Minn. Parise and Suter are friends who played together for the United States at the world junior tournament and the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.

Parise and Suter have conferred with each other since Sunday, when the free-agent market opened.

Suddenly, the Wild leap from being one of the N.H.L.’s weakest teams, with by far the fewest goals scored, to a possible contender.

Moreover, the Wild are suddenly infused with a measure of glamour. The N.H.L. has long wished to stage a Winter Classic in Minnesota, which calls itself the State of Hockey and has more registered players per capita than any state except Alaska.

The Parise and Suter signings make the Twin Cities seem like a shoo-in to follow Ann Arbor, Mich., site of the 2013 Winter Classic, as the 2014 host for the outdoor New Year’s Day game.

The Predators were unhappy with Suter’s decision. General Manager David Poile said in a conference call that he was “disappointed and very surprised” and did not have a chance to match Minnesota’s offer.

Lamoriello was able to re-sign most of his free agents over the last week, including goalie Martin Brodeur and defenseman Bryce Salvador, despite the team’s debt problems. But he lost Parise to the lure of family and likened the loss to that of defenseman Scott Niedermayer, who left the Devils in 2005 to play alongside his brother, Rob, in Anaheim, Calif.

In a conference call with reporters, Lamoriello said the Devils’ offer to Parise was “competitive” with the Wild’s offer. He said the offer was made Saturday in suburban Toronto to Parise and his agents, Wade Arnott and Don Meehan.

“We made our offer and were told that the money we offered would not be an issue,” Lamoriello said, adding that he was not asked to make a second offer and that the Devils’ financial problems were not part of the negotiations. “The decision from what Zach told me was based upon going home and playing with someone he grew up with.”

“It’s a very unfortunate thing when you have a player of his stature that’s come up through the ranks, and the decision is made to go elsewhere,” Lamoriello said. “Zach Parise you never replace. He was our leader, the prototype of a Devils player and a great example to younger players. It’s a loss, there’s no question.”

The announcement ended four days of waiting for decisions from Parise and Suter. Parise fielded calls with his agents outside Toronto from Saturday through Monday, then went home to Minnesota on Tuesday.

Suter was at his farm outside Madison, while his agent fielded calls at his office in International Falls, Minn. On Tuesday, delegations from the Wild and the Detroit Red Wings visited Suter in Madison. The Detroit delegation included the team’s owner, Mike Ilitch.

But Suter, speaking in the same conference call as Parise, said the two did not arrive at their joint decision to go to Minnesota until late in the process.

“I’d say only last night and into this morning it became realistic,” Suter said.

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Crusaders Get Carter Back for Chiefs Showdown

The seven-times champions lost to the Wellington Hurricanes last week and defeat to the championship-leading Chiefs in their penultimate match on Friday would almost certainly leave them without a place in the playoffs for the first time since 2001.

Carter was recalled at flyhalf after recovering from a hamstring injury to take back the kicking duties after replacement back Tyler Bleyendaal missed what would have been a match-winning penalty from halfway last Saturday.

Number eight Reed, who has been in storming form for the Crusaders and New Zealand this year, has been cleared to play after a concussion, allowing Richie McCaw to return to his favoured position on the openside flank.

Dagg missed last week's match with an ankle injury but will bring his attacking flair back to the team at fullback for the match against the Chiefs, who would wrap up the New Zealand conference title with victory this weekend.

"We really missed that experience last weekend," Crusaders coach Todd Blackadder told local media.

"When you look at the way they had been performing before injury, they were absolutely on fire. It's great to have them back."

The Chiefs have brought a big gun of their own into their starting line-up side for Saturday's clash with aggressive Tongan prop Sona Taumalolo, who is the team's top try scorer this year, taking his place at loosehead.

Hulking number eight Kane Thompson has been ruled out by a back injury but Sam Cane gets his first start at openside flanker since making his All Blacks debut in last month's test series against Ireland.

(Reporting by Nick Mulvenney; Editing by John O'Brien)

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LeBron, Kobe Return to U.S. Team for London Games

LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul and Deron Williams return for another bid for Olympic glory and will spearhead a potent roster in London where the U.S. are favorites.

Colangelo announced the selections after two U.S. team training sessions in Las Vegas, though final approval is still required by the U.S. Olympic Committee.

"We projected we would have difficulty getting down to a roster of 12, regardless of the number of injuries that have taken place, because they are such an outstanding group of people and athletes," Colangelo said in a statement.

"The final selections keep us in concert with our game plan to have athleticism, versatility and strong depth on our roster. I think our final roster epitomizes all of that."

The U.S. team had been hit by a recent rash of injuries to several leading candidates, including Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls, Dwight Howard of the Orlando Magic and Miami Heat players Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh.

"We have benefited so much from having a pool of outstanding players who are committed, and as a result the selection is difficult," U.S. coach Mike Krzyzewski said.

"But it's the best challenge that you could have because everyone has been so committed."

The 2012 U.S. Olympic team: Carmelo Anthony (Knicks), Kobe Bryant (Lakers), Tyson Chandler (Knicks), Kevin Durant (Thunder), Blake Griffin (Clippers), James Harden (Thunder), Andre Iguodala (76ers), LeBron James (Heat), Kevin Love (Timberwolves), Chris Paul (Clippers), Russell Westbrook (Thunder) and Deron Williams (Nets).

(Reporting by Mark Lamport-Stokes in Los Angeles; Editing by Patrick Johnston)

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2012 Tour de France — Britain’s Wiggins in Yellow Jersey After First Climb

Wiggins received the leader’s yellow jersey from Fabian Cancellara after the 123-mile trek from Tomblaine. Cancellara, a Swiss time-trial specialist, had led since winning the prologue a week ago.

Wiggins, who began the day seven seconds behind Cancellara in second place, leads the defending champion, Cadel Evans of Australia, by 10 seconds. Vincenzo Nibali of Italy is also 10 seconds off the pace in third.

“It’s a great day for the team; we won the stage and took the yellow jersey,” Wiggins said. “This is my first time in the yellow jersey. It’s incredible; it’s been a dream of mine since I was a kid.”

Froome led a Team Sky phalanx that powered up the final climb. With most rivals falling away, Froome, a Kenyan-born cyclist, burst ahead to finish two seconds ahead of the BMC leader Evans and the Sky leader Wiggins, who is bidding to become the first Briton to win the Tour.

Cancellara trailed nearly two minutes back.

The stage marked the first of three summit finishes in the race this year. Lighter, nimbler mountain specialists seized the limelight after a first week dominated by sprinters across the flatter regions of Belgium — where the race began June 30 — and northern France.

The final ascent, at three miles, was relatively short as far as the Tour’s biggest climbs go. But it was steep, with a grueling 14-percent gradient in the last 500 yards.

Seven riders broke away from the pack after nine miles and held the lead until the start of the final climb. Wiggins’s team then pressed the peloton’s pace before overtaking.

The Giro d’Italia champion Ryder Hesjedal of Canada pulled out before the start of the stage after being injured in a multirider crash Friday.

Hesjedal injured his left leg and hip during the crash-marred sixth stage and was scheduled to fly home Saturday. His Garmin-Sharp team said that Hesjedal was unable to pedal because of the leg injuries.

Hesjedal was among at least two dozen riders caught in a nasty crash with 16 miles to go Friday.

He lost more than 13 minutes and dropped to 108th over all.

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Allen Chooses to Sign With Miami Heat

Allen told the Miami Heat on Friday night that he intends to accept their contract offer and leave Boston after five seasons, even though the Celtics could pay him about twice as much as the reigning NBA champions will be able to next season. Miami could only offer Allen the mini mid-level, worth about $3 million a year.

Heat owner Micky Arison tweeted the news just after 9:30 p.m., or about 2:30 a.m. Saturday in Europe, where Arison has been for several days.

"I was just woken up with great news," Arison wrote. "Welcome to the family." Arison ended the tweet by making mention of Allen's jersey No. 20, and didn't mention the NBA's leading 3-point shooter by name.

A person briefed on details of the decision told The Associated Press that Arison got the word from Heat President Pat Riley, who made Allen the team's top free-agent priority — especially in recent days. Allen, who will be 37 this month, arrived in Miami on Thursday for a visit, went to dinner with Riley, coach Erik Spoelstra, team executive Alonzo Mourning and others Thursday night, then left Friday to presumably decide his future.

Hours later, the choice was made. Allen's agent, James Tanner, confirmed the decision to the AP not long after Arison's tweet.

Allen, who made a career-best 45 percent of his 3-point attempts this past season cannot officially sign until Wednesday because of the league's moratorium.

Allen becomes the latest player to be sold by Riley on the notion of sacrifice since the blockbuster summer of 2010. The Heat convinced LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh all to take less money than they could have made elsewhere in that offseason, so there would be enough room left to add players like Udonis Haslem, Mario Chalmers and Mike Miller. Then last summer, Shane Battier accepted a deal that will pay him $3 million annually.,

The approach clearly worked. Next fall, the Heat will raise a championship banner, and Allen will be with them for the title defense.

"HeatNation continues to grow," Wade wrote on Twitter late Friday night. And James added, "please welcome our newest teammate Ray Allen" with the added hashtag of "Wow."

Wade and James both were involved on some level in the recruitment of Allen. James took to Twitter and Facebook in recent days to let his millions of followers know how much he wanted to see Allen in a Heat uniform, and Wade tweeted on Wednesday that the next day — the one where Allen was visiting — would be a big one for the franchise.

In the end, it appeared that the biggest push — again — came from Riley, who said before free agency started that Miami had identified "five or six" clear targets to add to the roster.

He never specifically said Allen, and given how James was letting the secret out on Twitter anyway, Riley didn't have to say anything else.

New Orleans Hornets guard Jarrett Jack asked his followers in a tweet about an hour after the Allen story broke if he was "wrong for thinking ray allen is a traitor" for signing with Miami. Even NFL stars were reacting Friday night. Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick used the following hashtags on Twitter to describe his reaction to Allen's decision: "loaded," ''finalpiece" and "notfair."

There's probably more than a few people in Boston who would agree.

Miami is still hoping to add at least one more piece through free agency, and is expected to meet this weekend with Marcus Camby and Rashard Lewis.

Allen was mentioned in some trade possibilities this past season, and eventually lost his starting job to Avery Bradley. Allen needed surgery earlier this offseason to remove bone spurs from his right ankle, though said when the Celtics were ousted from the playoffs by the Heat for the second straight year that his playing days were not over.

"There's still a lot of basketball left in my legs," Allen said in Miami not long after the Celtics dropped Game 7 of the Eastern Conference finals to the Heat. "I know that for sure. So it's hard to say what can happen, what may happen."

Not even a month later, Allen — who helped the Celtics win the 2008 NBA title — decided to join Miami.

Earlier this week, the Celtics reportedly agreed on a $15 million, three-year deal with shooting guard Jason Terry. But Boston also wanted to keep Allen, with general manager Danny Ainge quoted in recent days saying "we really want Ray to come back. Time will tell."

Miami wanted Allen because of its ongoing quest to keep surrounding James, Wade and Bosh with shooters who extend defenses and therefore create room around the basket for the "Big Three" to attack. That approach worked perfectly for Miami in the playoffs — the Heat were 9-1 when making at least eight 3-pointers in playoff games (7-6 otherwise), and they hit 14 in the finals-clincher over Oklahoma City.

Allen has made an NBA-record 2,718 3-pointers.


Follow Tim Reynolds on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/ByTimReynolds

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Jantjies Kicks Lions to Just Third Win

They held on following a fantastic comeback by the Rebels who scored three second-half tries to turn a 24-7 deficit into a 32-27 lead at Ellis Park.

But replacement flanker Jaco Kriel charged down the blindside to score an equalising try, which Jantjies converted from the touchline. He then kicked a penalty on the final hooter to stretch the winning margin to five points.

The Lions played with enormous confidence and freedom in the first half, running in three tries and Jantjies kicked a penalty to give them a 24-0 lead after 36 minutes.

"“We had a disappointing first 15-20 minutes, making simple, fundamental errors in good field positions, that gave the Lions lots of possession and, to their credit, they turned that into points," Rebels coach Damian Hill told a news conference.

The home side made a great start when right wing Lionel Mapoe stepped inside and sent outside centre Waylon Murray over for the opening try after just two minutes.

Flanker Derick Minnie scored two more as the Rebels struggled to get on the front foot against an aggressive defence in the first half.

The Australians finally got some points on the board on the half-time hooter when, after a rolling maul, hooker Ged Robinson emerged with the try which was converted by fullback Julian Huxley.

Having dominated the opening 40 minutes, the Lions lost their focus in the second half, conceding a string of penalties to give the Rebels momentum and territory.

"“There was a lack of concentration in the second half, especially defensively, with guys not manning up in the one-on-one tackles," Lions captain Josh Strauss said.

"“If we can keep concentrating for 80 minutes and play like we did in the first 40 minutes, then we'll be a very dangerous side. We're still playing for pride and each other."

Lock Hugh Pyle scored two tries in three minutes for the Rebels.

Huxley converted Pyle's first try and brought the Rebels to within two points in the 58th minute as he kicked a penalty.

Jantjies replied with a penalty but then turned villain when his clearance kick was charged down by flyhalf Jimmy Hilgendorf for a Rebels try.

Huxley converted to give the Rebels a 29-27 lead and then added a penalty.

But Lions scrumhalf Michael Bondesio caught the Rebels defence napping with a pop-pass down the blindside to Kriel, who powered through the cover defence to score in the corner.

The 21-year-old Jantjies kept his nerve to kick the conversion and give the crowd a happy ending to the Lions' last home game of the season.

"“There's a good spirit and camaraderie in the group and we've consistently shown that when we're down, we find a way back," Rebels captain Stirling Mortlock said.

"But too often we let ourselves down first and we need to find a way to be better as a team, to be able to put pressure on the opposition from the start,"

(Editing by Alison Wildey)

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Korean Choi Takes Control of U.S. Women's Open

On a breezy day with tricky hole locations at Blackwolf Run where only four other sub-par scores were recorded, Choi put herself in prime position to win her first major title.

The 24-year-old Korean, who has triumphed five times on the LPGA Tour, seized control of the tournament in masterly fashion with eight birdies and a sole bogey to finish at eight-under 208.

"I hit a lot of good shots today, my 14 clubs worked very well," a beaming Choi told reporters after totaling 26 putts on fast-running greens.

"I had a birdie on the first hole and a birdie on the second hole, then I got some good vibes from there, good confidence from there. It was really fun out there.

"I couldn't believe how I got eight birdies today, but I did," she grinned. "I'm very happy, I'm very satisfied and I'm very excited."

Choi's 65 was the 11th carded at a U.S. Women's Open where only four lower rounds have ever been posted.

Compatriot Amy Yang was alone in second after carding a 69, the next-best score of the day, with American teenager Lexi Thompson (72), Japan's Mika Miyazato (73) and Germany's Sandra Gal (74) a further stroke back at one-under 215.

Overnight leader Suzann Pettersen of Norway endured a difficult day, battling to a 78 that included a pair of double-bogeys to finish a distant nine strokes off the pace.

Pettersen, who had led by one shot after the second round, briefly doubled her advantage when she birdied the par-five second.


However, she fell back into a tie for the lead with the first of her double-bogeys, at the par-four third, before Choi took control with a sizzling birdie display.

The petite Korean scorched the front nine in four-under 32 and then picked up further shots at the 10th, 11th and 12th to charge five shots clear at eight under.

Though she ran up a three-putt bogey at the tricky par-three 13th, Choi recovered with another birdie at the 17th to stretch her lead to six.

Since turning professional in late 2004, Choi has established herself as one of the leading players on the LPGA Tour.

In 2010, she won twice on the U.S. circuit before ending the year by clinching the money list title and also the prestigious Vare Trophy for the lowest scoring average, with 69.8.

Choi has yet to win a major title, but this week offers a golden opportunity to change that.

"It will be a lot of pressure tomorrow, but I know what I have to do and I know what I can control," she said of Sunday's final round. "I cannot control winning. I just do my best.

"I have confidence and this is a good opportunity to be winning a U.S. Open. So I just hope to get a good warm-up tomorrow morning, go out there with my caddie and have fun."

Pettersen, who won her first major title at the 2007 LPGA Championship, was dumbfounded by Choi's display on Saturday in tough conditions.

"Today wasn't easy. Today was kind of the biggest test," the 31-year-old Norwegian said. "Na Yeon played phenomenal golf. I couldn't believe the scores I saw, to be honest."

Asked how she viewed her own task on Sunday, Pettersen replied: "There's birdies out there. I think the wind is going to be a little bit less tomorrow from what I've seen.

"So if you get off to a hot start, hopefully put a number down early in the clubhouse, who knows?"

Taiwan's world number one Yani Tseng, who has claimed five of the last 10 major titles, emulated Pettersen by carding a 78 on Saturday to lie a distant 16 strokes off the pace.

(Reporting by Mark Lamport-Stokes in Los Angeles; Editing by Patrick Johnston)

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Blackwolf Run Shows Teeth, but Not as Tough as '98

Fourteen years after the central Wisconsin course humbled the world's best female players in the U.S. Women's Open, Pete Dye's diabolical design is playing easier.

In 1998, Se Ri Pak and Jenny Chuasiriporn tied for the 72-hole lead at 6-over par, with Pak winning the title in a dramatic 20-hole playoff. The cut line in the Open on Friday in its return to Blackwolf Run was only 5 over.

The course is nearly 500 yards longer today but the USGA gave players a break by making the long seventh hole a par 5 instead of par 4.

Despite being nearly 6,900 yards long, players negotiated it with relative ease the first two days — including Michelle Wie on Friday with a 6-under 66.

Although wind up to 20 mph and tougher pin placements led to higher scores Saturday, South Korea's Na Yeon Choi shot a 7-under 65 to take a commanding lead at 8 under. She tied the third-lowest score in U. S. Women's Open history.

NBC commentator Gary Koch said Saturday there are several reasons why Blackwolf Run is playing easier. Although Koch said the rough is not as long or as thick, he believes the main difference is in the golfers and their high-tech clubs.

"The equipment has gotten a lot better since 1998 and these ladies are better athletes because they work out more," he said.

Koch said female players are hitting the ball so much farther that the course is playing shorter for them despite being longer. He said in Wie's round, "she hit some sort of wedge into about six of the eighteen holes. That creates scoring opportunities."

Another factor is the mental toughness young players are developing due to more serious junior competition.

"Certainly these young players have a lot amore high quality experience than the younger players did in 1998," Koch said. "That helps them deal with a course like this."


INTERNATIONAL APPEAL: The U. S. Women's Open has golfers from so many countries that it looks at times like the United Nations.

The U.S. has by far the largest contingent with 71, but women from 26 other countries are also competing at Blackwolf Run.

South Korea is second with 27, Japan third with eight, Spain, Canada, Sweden have five each, and Taiwan was four.

There are also golfers from countries not often associated with the sport, including Argentina, Colombia, the Netherlands, Paraguay and Thailand.

China has Shanshan Feng, who in June won the LPGA Championship to become the first mainland Chinese golfer to capture a major.

"The golf history is about thirty years in China and now it's about getting more and more people to play," she said.


DIVOTS: Top-ranked Yani Tseng shot a 6-over 78 on Saturday to fall out of contention in the Open, the only major she has failed to capture. "I just didn't do it," she said. "I shot terrible today." ... Fifteen-year-old Lydia Ko shot a 7-over 79 on Saturday to move to 9 over and leads Alison Lee by three shots for low amateur honors. Ko said some of the pressure was off when she made the cut. "I've never missed a cut in a tournament, and I would be kind of gutted if I did it at the U. S. Open. And it's better experience if you play on the weekend, too." ... While there were only five rounds under par in the third round, there were 19 scores in the 80s.

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U.S. Olympic Basketball Team Is Unveiled

The Clippers’ Blake Griffin, the Thunder’s James Harden and the 76ers’ Andre Iguodala were added to the nine players who had already secured a spot. All three will play in their first Olympics.

The three players who were nominated but not selected to the roster were Rudy Gay, Eric Gordon and Anthony Davis, the top pick in this year’s N.B.A. draft.

Coach Mike Krzyzewski decided to place the biggest emphasis on athleticism. Many of the players who already had a spot on the team, like LeBron James, Kevin Durant and Kobe Bryant, can play guard or forward.

“This team has great versatility,” Krzyzewski said.

The team is full of players who have faced international competition, with 10 players who were on the 2008 Olympic or 2010 world championships teams, both events in which the United States took home a title.

“We have more playmakers in the second unit than in 2008,” Bryant said. “We have to try to take full advantage of those guys.”

The only major concern for the team is its lack of size. Part of that is because of injuries to LaMarcus Aldridge (labral tear in hip), Chris Bosh (strained abdominal muscle) and Dwight Howard (herniated disk).

Kevin Love, one of the few players taller than 6 feet 8 inches, said he would play center instead of his usual power forward position.

The team will be loaded with high-quality guards. Every guard besides Harden has appeared in an N.B.A. All-Star Game.

Jerry Colangelo, the United States basketball chairman and managing director, said he believed this team would be successful despite injuries to All-Star-caliber players.

“I think we’ve put together a terrific team with great athleticism,” Colangelo said. “We think we’re deeper than 2008, and I think we’re more talented.”

Even if Colangelo and this group win the gold medal, it may be hard to compare this team to the 2008 group.

The United States is again considered the gold medal favorite, and the 12 players understand that falling short of the title would be a national disappointment.

On Saturday, many of the players expressed how important it was to represent the country that in large part has shown the world how to play the sport at a high level. The 1992 Dream Team is thought to have spurred the expansion of basketball globally.

But eight years ago, in the 2004 Olympics, the United States settled for the bronze medal.

James, who was on that team, said he did not want anything less than gold.

All of James’s accomplishments are on display in his office at his home, including his Most Valuable Player trophies and his gold medal from 2008. His first N.B.A. championship ring will soon be there.

James said he did not display his bronze medal, though, and could not remember the last time he looked at it.

“That’s not an accomplishment,” James said.

All of the players know winning the gold is not a given, and will not be nearly as easy as it was for the 1992 team, which won by an average of 44 points.

Bryant says he expects that the United States players will have to do more preparation than in the N.B.A., where every team has solid knowledge of other players.

Bryant said he and his teammates would be seeing many opposing players in the Olympics for the first time.

“This is a big challenge for us,” Bryant said. “I feel like the rest of the world feels the gap is closing.”

Along with athleticism, the national team will be using younger players in London than in past Olympics; Durant, Griffin, Harden, Love and Russell Westbrook are 25 or younger.

Bryant, 33, now the oldest player in the group, says he is responsible for helping the younger players prepare for London — although he says he will not give too many secrets that have helped him become a five-time N.B.A. champion.

“Our youth brings speed and aggression and we love that,” Bryant said. “Kevin Durant and Kevin Love are amazing players. Coach Krzyzewski has the packages to where there are so many things with our team he can do.”

But it is no secret that the one expected to lead the way is James. He faced numerous challenges in his run to an N.B.A. title with the Miami Heat, including a Game 7 win over the Boston Celtics. James knows the mentality the United States team must take when it begins play in London.

“We have to approach every game,” James said, “like it’s Game 7.”

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Double Joy for Serena as She Captures Crown With Venus

Six and a half hours after lifting the Venus Rosewater Dish for the fifth time, Serena teamed up with her 32-year-old sibling to down Czech sixth seeds Andrea Hlavackova and Lucie Hradecka 7-5 6-4.

Venus, a first-round loser in singles, fired an ace to complete the 78-minute victory on a floodlit arena just 10 minutes before the 11pm (2200 GMT) cut-off time for Centre Court play.

It was a fifth All England Club doubles title for the duo, and 13th overall.

After watching Serena, 30, win her three-set battle against Agnieszka Radwanska in the singles, Venus was delighted to play an active role on court and at one point produced a stunning volley despite falling on to her bottom.

"I felt I played a match with her earlier so I felt like it was my second match too," a beaming Venus said after accepting the doubles trophy in the Royal Box. "It was a great day for all of us."

"If anyone knows what that (winning the singles and doubles here on the same day) feels like, it's me. It's an amazing feeling."

(Reporting by Pritha Sarkar, editing by Alison Wildey)

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Special Report: Formula One: McLaren's Barrier-Breaking, Winning Bet

Born of a white mother and a black father, who are both British, Hamilton became the first mixed-race world champion, opening a door for perceptions to change in auto racing, a sport in which there had never before been a black or mixed-race star of such stature.

But one of the bigger and more original aspects of Hamilton’s story is the major investment in his career made by the McLaren team since he was a boy of 13. At 10, he had approached Ron Dennis, the McLaren team owner, when they were both at a racing awards ceremony.

“Hi, I’m Lewis Hamilton,” he told Dennis. Then, referring to a karting series, he added, “I won the British Championship and one day I want to be racing your cars.”

Three years later, while Hamilton was still in his go-karting career, Dennis signed him to his team’s driver development program. His career was henceforth tied to the McLaren team and its financial backing. It seemed to many at the time to be a risky, extravagant joke. But year after year, Hamilton proved that it was foresight and good business strategy as he met with rapid success in every series in which he competed, from karting to Formula One.

He won several karting titles before joining Formula Renault in 2002, which he won the following year with 10 victories and 11 pole positions. He repeated that pattern in the F3 Euroseries, winning in 2005, with 15 victories and 13 pole positions. In 2006, he won the title in his rookie year in the GP2 series, a Formula One support series.

He joined Formula One in 2007, at the McLaren team, where he had the apparent disadvantage of being teammate to Fernando Alonso, the equally precocious Spaniard. Alonso had been breaking records for youth accomplishments in the series, and was the reigning world champion, having won the drivers’ title in 2005 and 2006 at the Renault team.

But Hamilton immediately showed that he was equal to the task, and his advantage came in being on a team that had been family to him since childhood.

Hamilton and Alonso finished the season with 109 points each, both losing the title to the Ferrari driver Kimi Raikkonen by a single point, in the season’s last race. But Hamilton had the edge on Alonso in terms of top finishes and so was classified ahead of the Spaniard in the series that year.

In Valencia two weeks ago, Hamilton said losing the title in the last race was his worst memory of that first season in Formula One.

“I had only just got to Formula One, but just having it and then losing it,” he said, referring to the title, “was very, very tough. I think the best moment was winning my first Grand Prix that year; firstly getting into Formula One and then having the great opportunity and privilege of working alongside Fernando and Pedro [de la Rosa, the test driver], and working for such a great team, and winning my first race in Montreal.”

Alonso left the McLaren team in anger after that season, returning to Renault before then joining Ferrari in 2010.

In 2008, Hamilton, meanwhile, no longer committed his beginner’s errors — even though there had not been many — and he won the title — by a single point ahead of Ferrari’s Felipe Massa.

At 23, Hamilton also snatched away Alonso’s crown of youngest world champion. And again, he had used only one year of learning before becoming champion.

His career since 2008 has gone from one extreme to another. Even at its lowest ebb last year, he still won three races, but finished only fifth in the championship, behind his teammate, Jenson Button, for the first time.

But he made driving errors several times during the season, being penalized or crashing out of several races. Much of it appeared to be related to him dealing with changes in his life as he finally had the time to grow up: There were rumors of problems with his celebrity girlfriend — Nicole Scherzinger — and with him dropping his father, Anthony, as his manager.

He appeared to push beyond the limit as he now had a new world champion teammate in Button, who was finally coming to grips with his McLaren environment and, worse, a new wunderkind competitor in Sebastian Vettel, who broke the major records for youth previously set by Alonso and Hamilton, winning back-to-back drivers’ titles in 2010 and 2011.

But this season, finally, the old Hamilton has returned. He scored two pole positions and then won the Canadian Grand Prix last month — in a season where only Alonso has won two races — and he has made practically no errors.

He lies third in the series, behind Alonso and the Red Bull driver Mark Webber, and if he continues the way he has begun, he has a good chance of winning the title this year.

Judging by his return to a controlled aggressive driving style since the beginning of the season — along with a talent for taking care of his car’s tires and choosing a successful strategy — he is likely, in any case, to remain one of the main challengers.

“I still want to win every race,” Hamilton said. “It’s just you have to be perhaps a little more strategic with your approach this year. I don’t think there is too much of a different approach, but you have to be a little bit more sensible this year.”

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Ambitious QPR Close In on Manchester United's Park

QPR owner Tony Fernandes would not confirm the signing but told Reuters at the British Formula One Grand Prix that the club would be making an announcement on Monday at 15:00 British Time (1400GMT).

"Lots is happening in the club. We've signed five players, we've got a few more to announce," said the Malaysian aviation entrepreneur.

Reports said the agreement, which could potentially be worth 5.0 million pounds ($7.75 million), will cost QPR an initial transfer fee of 2.0 million for the 31-year-old who, a year ago, signed a two-year deal to stay at United until the end of the 2012-13 season.

Park, who has made over 200 appearances for United since joining from PSV Eindhoven in 2005, has a reputation as a big game player able to relentlessly break up opposition attacks and send his own team mates on the offensive.

He was the first Asian to compete in a Champions League final in 2009, and won four Premier League titles at United. The former captain of his country, he made 100 appearances for South Korea between 2000 and 2011.

South Korea is also an important growth area for Fernandes' AirAsia airline.

Park would be the second United player to move to QPR this week following young defender Fabio Da Silva who has joined on a season long loan deal.


Fabio, who can play at fullback or in midfield, has played 53 times for United, but has rarely been a first-choice starter.

He should get plenty of opportunities as QPR bid to establish themselves in the Premier League after staying up on the last day of the season following their promotion in 2011.

Fernandes said the club would probably sign three or four more players on top of those already announced before the start of the Premier League season.

"What (manager) Mark (Hughes) would like to do is have two people in each position," he said. "Now whether we get to that situation..."

QPR are also planning a new 40-45,000 seater stadium in West London and have hired architects Populous, who designed the new London Olympic Stadium and Silverstone's Wing pit and paddock complex.

That would be more than double the capacity of QPR's current Loftus Road home. Fernandes said those plans were looking good and a preferred site had been identified in the White City area.

"We could have sold 20,000 season tickets easily and I think with the investment in the squad and some of the ambitions that we have, and the catchment area that we are in, I don't envisage that it will be difficult to fill up," he added.

He said Populous would also be helping him with his new Caterham Formula One team headquarters at Leafield in central England as well as the development of QPR's new training ground in Ealing, west London.

"I'd like to try and make a Formula One, Caterham Cars, QPR kind of concept with maybe a hotel in the middle, kind of health and leisure," he added. ($1 = 0.6449 British pounds)

(Additional reporting by Mike Collett; Editing by Ken Ferris)

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Twins' Bullpen Can't Hold Off Rangers in Extras

Unfortunately for the Twins, they couldn't do it in extra innings.

Nelson Cruz hit an RBI double off reliever Kyle Waldrop (0-1) in the 10th inning that scored Adrian Beltre to lead the Rangers to a 4-3 victory that snapped their five-game losing streak.

"Cruz swung the bat well," manager Ron Washington said. "We were due to finally put together something offensively.

Texas' Josh Hamilton had a home run, walk and a run scored as the designated hitter one night after leaving in the fifth inning with back spasms.

Samuel Deduno, the 11th pitcher to start a game for Minnesota this season, gave up three runs including two home runs, on six hits in his big league starting debut. He had three strikeouts and walked three.

His biggest mistake was a slider up in the zone that Beltre smacked into the left-field seats that tied the game at 3-3 in the sixth.

"He fought through some innings," Twins manager Ron Gardenhire said. "I thought he threw some really nice breaking balls. He just hung the slider to Beltre.

"Against those guys if you throw too many strikes, they will absolutely kill you."

The Rangers, still statistically the best offense in the majors, haven't been hitting the ball well at all recently, having scored only nine runs during their five-game skid.

Cruz finished 3 for 5 with two doubles and two RBIs, and Beltre, too was 3 for 5 as the Rangers improved to 41-5 the past two years in games in which Beltre has homered.

Joe Nathan (1-2) pitched scoreless ninth and 10th innings for the Rangers, his longest outing in almost three years after ligament replacement surgery, in relief of Derek Holland, who returned from a stint on the disabled list with left shoulder fatigue.

Holland gave up three runs on six hits, two walks and four strikeouts over six innings.

The Rangers moved Cruz out of his customary No. 6 slot in the lineup and up to No. 5, though manager Ron Washington told reporters before the game that the shuffle was more coincidental than anything.

Young initially had been penciled into the No. 3 spot of Hamilton, who wasn't expected to play.

Washington said he just decided to leave Cruz, who has struggled all season, at No. 5.

"I'm not going to pat myself on the back," Washington said. "It just came off my pen that way."

Said Cruz: "I don't see any difference. When the games starts, everybody's first and third (in the order). There's no other way to see it."

Trevor Plouffe, Ryan Doumit and Josh Willingham each drove in runs for the Twins, who took a one-run lead on Willingham's solo homer in the sixth.

The Rangers, who are 3 for 17 with runners in scoring position in this series, had a few chances to go ahead late, but couldn't capitalize. They loaded the bases with two outs in the seventh, but Beltre grounded out to end the inning.

In the eighth, David Murphy walked and stole second with two outs, followed by a walk to Mike Napoli. But Craig Gentry popped out to short center field handled by Twins shortstop Brian Dozier. The Rangers are 2 for 16 with runners in scoring position in the series, including 1 for 8 on Saturday.

The Twins put runners on first and second in the seventh after one-out walks to Joe Mauer and Willingham, but Robbie Ross induced Justin Morneau to bounce into an inning-ending double play.

The Twins rank last in the major leagues in strikeouts and near the bottom in ERA, batting average allowed, hits and innings pitched.

Deduno got his chance on Saturday and impressed his manager to some degree. What's next for him won't be decided until after the All-Star break.

"No one has told me anything," Deduno said about the team's plans for him. "But I want to stay here."

Notes: Hamilton became the first Rangers player to record at least 27 home runs and 75 RBIs before the All-Star break and first major leaguer to do so since Albert Pujols in 2009. Alex Rodriguez was the last American League player to reach those marks in 2007. ... The Rangers optioned right-handed pitcher Justin Grimm to Double-A Frisco to make room for Holland. Grimm went 1-1 with a 10.80 ERA in three games with the team, including two starts. ... Home plate umpire Marty Foster left the game in the top of the seventh after apparently becoming sick. Second base umpire Jeff Kellogg took over behind the plate for the short crew. ... Ross extended his scoreless innings streak to 22 1/3 after recording an out in the seventh and pitching the eighth. Ross is in position to post the lowest ERA (0.96) through the All-Star break since 1933, eclipsing Bob Gibson's 1.06 in 1968. The lowest rookie figure is 1.78, recorded by Detroit's Mark Fidrych in 1976.

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Hesjedal Joins List of Injury Withdrawals

In total 17 riders have so far withdrawn after a brutal first week at the world's greatest race, with FDJ-Big Mat team boss Marc Madiot telling Reuters: "It has not been cycling, it has been Rollerball."

Canadian Hesjedal had talked up his chances in the three-week event but a leg injury on Friday's sixth stage has ended the Garmin rider's participation as he now looks to get fit for the London Olympics at the end of the month.

"It's very disappointing to leave the Tour this way. I was in good form and feeling comfortable, just really settling into the first week with an eye on the mountains," the 31-year-old, who lost over 13 seconds in the crash, said in a Garmin statement.

"I'll go home, keep working with the medical staff on my recovery, and refocus everything on the Olympics."

Triple world champion Oscar Freire and Wouter Poels broke ribs and suffered internal injuries in Friday's crashes but remarkably finished the stage before withdrawing.

Garmin's Tom Danielson is also in hospital following the pileup and is out of the race along with Davide Vigano, Mikel Astarloza, Imanol Ervitti, Jose Ivan Gutierrez, Hubert Dupont, Amets Txurruka and Maarten Wynants.

Frenchman Anthony Delaplace decided to start Saturday's seventh stage to the peak at La Planche des Belles Filles with a broken bone in his wrist and his arm but soon had to give up.

Garmin team boss Jonathan Vaughters said the cause of Friday's big pileup 30 km from the finish in Metz had been identified.

"A rider tried to take off his over-shoes. It is not his fault, you are packed together like sardines at 70 kph," he told reporters.

(Reporting by Mark Meadows and Gilles le Roc'h; editing by Amlan Chakraborty and Ken Ferris)

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O's Handcuffed by Weaver in 3-0 Loss to Angels

Hammel pitched much better that he did on June 26 in his previous matchup with Weaver at Baltimore. But the Los Angeles Angels' ace gave the Orioles just as much trouble on Saturday night as he did at Camden Yards, limiting them to just three hits over eight innings in a 3-0 victory.

"Jason was great. He's given a chance to win just about every time out, and you couldn't ask for more. But the other guy was just a little bit better," Orioles manager Buck Showalter said. "Weaver was really good. You know what he's going to do, and he's been able to do it for a long time, but we didn't make many adjustments. But we're not the only ones he's picking on."

Hammel (8-5) gave up three runs, six hits and four walks over 6 2-3 innings. The last time he and Weaver hooked up, the Orioles' right-hander surrendered eight runs in 3 1-3 innings that night in a 13-1 loss after bringing a 19-inning scoreless streak into the game.

"I made a lot of adjustments from that game. I pitched inside a lot more and it was very effective against a team that makes contact as much as they do," Hammel said. "They were diving out and getting balls on the outer half the last time, so anything that I was able to change from that outing to this one was definitely good."

Weaver improved to 14-2 at home since the start of last season. A good example of how Angel Stadium plays for Weaver was demonstrated by Orioles All-Star catcher Matt Wieters, who flied out to the warning track in the fourth and seventh innings that Weaver acknowledged were mistakes.

"They've got a lot of guys in their lineup that can hurt you," Weaver said. "Obviously, I got away with some pitches that they hit to the warning track, and that misty air kind of knocked them down."

Angels Gold Glove right fielder Torii Hunter helped choke off an Orioles threat in the seventh when he played the carom perfectly off the 18-foot wall on a single by slugger Jim Thome and threw out the 41-year-old designated hitter at second base with the Angels still leading 1-0.

"He pushed the envelope there," Showalter said. "Torii is a good thrower and Jimmy understands the situation."

Mark Trumbo led off the Angels' fourth with a single and legged it to second after left fielder Xavier Avery misplayed the ball for the Orioles' major league-worst 75th error. Trumbo got to third after tagging up on Alberto Callaspo's flyout to the warning track in center, and Howie Kendrick singled sharply to the right of second base with the infield playing in.

"We gave them a run, and there wasn't going to be much margin for error with Weaver out there," Showalter said.

The Halos tacked on two more runs in the bottom half with a two-out RBI double by Hunter and an RBI single by Kendrys Morales. But it was the speed of rookie Mike Trout that kept the inning going for Hunter, as the 20-year-old rookie beat the relay to first base on a potential inning-ending double-play grounder to second baseman Robert Andino.

"He's a catalyst for that team, and we've seen it since he's come up. They've been a completely different team," Hammel said. "I made a good pitch there and he hit it into the ground, but with his speed he was able to keep the inning alive."

Weaver (10-1) won his fourth straight outing since coming off the disabled list, striking out five and walking one while lowering his ERA to 1.96.

The three-time All-Star joined Sandy Koufax (1963-64) as the only pitchers since 1950 with consecutive seasons of double-digit wins and an ERA under 2.00 before the All-Star break. During his seven-year career, the Angels' ace is 59-26 with a 2.84 ERA in 110 starts before the All-Star break. Last season he was 11-4 with a 1.86 ERA in 19 starts before the break.

"I had less losses in the first half this year than last year, which is pretty good because it means that I've been able to keep the team in the game and give us a chance to win," Weaver said. "And our offense has been spectacular the last two months, so there's been a lot of help on the team's end to get me to where I'm at."

Scott Downs pitched a perfect ninth for his eighth save in eight attempts.

NOTES: Orioles 1B Joe Mahoney was 0 for 3 in his major league debut, two days after his contract was purchased from Norfolk. He was a sixth-round draft pick in 2007 out of the University of Richmond. ... Baltimore recalled OF/INF Steve Tolleson from Triple-A Norfolk to fill the roster spot left vacated when RHP Jake Arrieta was optioned to the Orioles' top farm club on Saturday. Arrieta gave up six runs over 3 2-3 innings in Thursday's series opener without getting a decision in the team's 9-7 loss, and is 1-7 with a 7.71 ERA in 12 starts since his previous win on May 2. ... Orioles RF Chris Davis returned to the lineup after missing two games with a strained trapezius muscle.

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